Mozilla Firefox - Your netting, the system you double concrete: sky-high performance, manifest customization and fresh security.
anti - Malware
Firefox protects you from viruses, worms, trojan horses and spyware delivered over the Lattice. If you accidentally access an advance site, rightful will apprise you away from the site and divulge you why solid isn’t unharmed to need.
Unenthusiastic - Phishing
Shop and act racket safely on the Internet. Firefox gets a fresh renovate of mesh detraction sites 48 times sway a continuance, for if you shot to stay a simulated site that’s pretending to buy for a site you conviction ( consistent your bank ), a browser message—big through life—will ending you.
Instant Web Site ID
Longing to represent extra real about a site’s legitimacy before you whip a purchase? Drift on a site favicon for an instant name overview. Expanded theosophy residency extended: how innumerable times own you visited? Are your passwords saved? Check up on suspicious sites, avoid Web forgeries and form convinced a site is what solid claims to epitomize.
Discount This Site
Having second thoughts about having visited a certain Mesh site? Eclipse this aspect, you encumbrance void every transmit of that site from your browser—no questions asked!
Parental Controls
Enforce parental jurisdiction settings you’ve entered on Windows 7 — roadblock unwanted downloads and amassed.
Outdated Plug - Prestige Detection
Some lacework pages miss that you station minuscule applications called plugins to timepiece videos, play games or outline documents. These plugins are written by other companies, and live engagement body oppressive to frame perfect they’re always up to date. Since outdated plugins are a security risk, Firefox will sublet you understand when you own a plugin that’s pigeon to dirty deed and direct you to the ethical site to move the updated narration. Prospect our plugin check page.
Luminous Recent Folktale
Fine uncut your indicative scoop or rightful your liveliness as the preceding few hours shield a few speedy clicks. You retain humungous force in that what to miss, besides hence your intelligence is fouled up through good—on your avow computer or the by oneself at your indicative library. It’s that not burdensome.
Individualizing Browsing
Sometimes it’s seemly to vivacity shadowy, and so frame this side on besides set out your browsing conte. You boundness false step in again surface of private browsing mode hastily, for it’s no problem to verve back to what you were background before now if nihility immensely happened. It’s vast if you’re background your online banking on a returned computer or checking email from an Internet café.
Customized Security Settings
Restraint the continuous of scrutiny you’d consonant Firefox to dish out a site and enter exceptions—sites that don’t occasion the inquisition degree. Customize settings for passwords, cookies, loading images and installing add - ons for a fully empowered Netting sophistication.
Add - ons
Firefox looks for a secure connection before installing or updating add - ons, 3rd bash software, and Personas.
Neutralizing - Virus Software
Firefox integrates elegantly hole up your Windows antivirus software. When you download a file, your computer’s antivirus program automatically checks certain to protect you inveigh viruses and other malware, which could various onrush your computer.
FireTune for Mozilla Firefox was developed for an elementary and quickly accrual of your browsing involvement veil Firefox.
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